Seal of New York New York

New York does not currently have a tax and expenditure limit.

The base year represents the year the hypothetical Taxpayer's Bill of Rights (TABOR) would have been enacted. Selecting a base year changes how the state’s TABOR is calculated because the annual growth rates of inflation and population change depending on when TABOR is enacted.
  • Year Inflation-adjusted Actual Spending
    1992 70,761,123,640
    1993 68,704,486,910
    1994 69,346,568,980
    1995 79,121,898,470
    1996 79,502,168,840
    1997 76,823,058,310
    1998 81,386,307,930
    1999 81,647,559,430
    2000 81,202,216,600
    2001 83,498,980,840
    2002 86,666,345,220
    2003 83,057,300,840
    2004 89,156,415,640
    2005 90,388,351,570
    2006 95,817,614,650
    2007 103,587,420,000
    2008 105,900,030,400
    2009 113,410,300,900
    2010 112,951,912,500
    2011 110,108,670,700
    2012 114,396,296,300
    2013 114,518,877,900
    2014 115,127,066,900
    2015 117,054,949,600
    2016 119,521,578,400
    2017 120,718,807,800
    2018 121,602,018,100
    2019 123,828,767,200
    2020 124,536,691,500
    2021 122,325,490,600
    2022 129,857,000,000
*All spending figures are in inflation-adjusted 2022 dollars.