Seal of California California

California has two constitutional TELs that were passed by voter approval. Proposition 13 passed in 1978, and Proposition 4 passed in 1979. These TELS can be found in Article 13A and 13B of the California State Constitution.Proposition 13 rolled back property taxes, capped property tax rates, and imposed a 2/3 supermajority requirement to raise taxes. Proposition 4, known as the Gann limit, limited the growth of appropriations to population growth and the lesser of Consumer Price Index inflation and California personal income per capita growth, exempting debt service, retirement costs, and unemployment insurance compensation. This limit did adjust to apply to local governments. Revenues that exceed this limited had to be refunded within two years.

By the 1990s, these TELs were affected by other voter approved propositions that required mandatory refunds be spent directly on education, changed the appropriations growth limit to a weighted average population growth and per capita personal income growth and expanded exemptions.

The base year represents the year the hypothetical Taxpayer's Bill of Rights (TABOR) would have been enacted. Selecting a base year changes how the state’s TABOR is calculated because the annual growth rates of inflation and population change depending on when TABOR is enacted.
  • Year Inflation-adjusted Actual Spending
    1992 102,977,983,700
    1993 100,829,612,500
    1994 97,127,062,220
    1995 93,535,584,280
    1996 100,393,926,600
    1997 107,548,424,900
    1998 112,054,380,200
    1999 121,295,298,400
    2000 133,399,374,900
    2001 148,527,217,800
    2002 150,918,508,400
    2003 159,074,410,100
    2004 151,505,724,700
    2005 152,025,828,900
    2006 164,378,132,400
    2007 174,141,452,100
    2008 179,673,455,400
    2009 159,714,548,100
    2010 150,000,416,700
    2011 163,780,051,700
    2012 155,111,400,500
    2013 170,829,071,200
    2014 170,632,519,600
    2015 191,173,769,600
    2016 189,155,817,400
    2017 192,491,011,700
    2018 201,634,417,700
    2019 227,843,141,400
    2020 230,776,693,600
    2021 241,226,612,600
    2022 318,948,972,000
*All spending figures are in inflation-adjusted 2022 dollars.